Yuchen Zhuang

Yuchen Zhuang

yczhuang [at] gatech (dot) edu

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Hello World! My name is Yuchen Zhuang. I am a Machine Learning Ph.D. student in Georgia Institute of Technology, advised by Prof. Chao Zhang. I am also very fortunate to work closely with Prof. Le Song and Prof. Bo Dai. My principal interest lies in the language intelligence, aiming for developing language model-based agents capable of exhibiting human-like reasoning and planning when tackling challenging real-world problems. My recent research covers the following directions:

  • Language Intelligence with Human-level Reasoning and Planning Capabilities: [ICLR'24, NeurIPS'23a, NeurIPS'23b, EMNLP'22];
  • Adapting or aligning language models to possess human-level capabilities on specific tasks: [ICML'24];
  • Data-centric approaches that can offer high-quality data for effort-light model training and faithful evaluation: [NeurIPS'23c, KDD'23].


Selected Publications and Manuscripts

Please refer to publications or my Google Scholar profile for the full list. ("*" stands for equal contribution)
BBox-Adapter: Lightweight Adapting for Black-Box Large Language Models
ToolChain*: Efficient Action Space Navigation in Large Language Models with A* Search
AdaPlanner: Adaptive Planning from Feedback with Language Models
ToolQA: A Dataset for LLM Question Answering with External Tools
Large Language Model as Attributed Training Data Generator: A Tale of Diversity and Bias
DyGen: Learning from Noisy Labels via Dynamics-Enhanced Generative Modeling
Retrieval-Augmented Large Language Models for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Patients in Shared Decision-Making
End-to-end Stochastic Optimization with Energy-based Model
ReSel: N-ary Relation Extraction from Scientific Text and Tables by Learning to Retrieve and Select

Industrial Experience

Amazon (May 2024-Aug 2024)
Topic: Enhancing Foundamental Capabilities of LLM Agents
Adobe Research (May 2023-Aug 2023)
Topic: ToolChain*: Efficient Action Space Navigation in Large Language Models with A* Search [ICLR'24]
Amazon (May 2022-Aug 2022)
Topic: G-STO: Sequential Main Shopping Intention Detection via Graph-Regularized Stochastic Transformer [CIKM'23]

Academic Services

  • Reviewer for conferences: ARR (2023-), EMNLP (2022-), ICLR (2024), NeurIPS (2023), KDD (2021-), ACL (2023), AAAI (2023-), ICML (2021), AISTATS (2024), SDM (2024).
  • Reviewer for workshops: FMDM@NeurIPS (2023), DMLR@ICML (2023), SPIGM@ICML (2023).
  • Reviewer for Journals: IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Signal Processing (JSTSP).
  • Teaching Assistant, Georgia Tech NLP Bootcamp, Fall 2023-2024.
  • Teaching Assistant, Georgia Tech Big Data Bootcamp, Fall 2021-2024.
  • Graduate Teaching Assistant, CSE8803 DLT: Deep Learning for Text Data, Fall 2021.
  • Graduate Teaching Assistant, CSE7641 A: Machine Learning, Fall 2020.

Selected Awards

  • [10/2023] NeurIPS 2023 Scholar Award;
  • [09/2023] Best Paper Award, ACM Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, and Health Informatics (ACM BCB);
  • [08/2023] KDD 2023 Student Travel Grant;
  • [06/2020] Second Prize of Excellent Undergraduate Student Graduation Thesis in Jiangsu Province;
  • [06/2019] Most Influential Graduate Award Nomination (20/4000), Southeast University;
  • [12/2017] Excellent Paper Award, International Collaboration Symposium on Information, Production & Systems, Japan.